It started out with Trayvon Martin's. It will probably end up with George Zimmerman's. NBC creatively editing the 911 call to make it appear that Zimmerman was targeting Martin because he was black was the work of an individual who wanted their feelings to be your ideas. It was a stupid move. Just as stupid as Spike Lee re-tweeting Zimmerman's address (what kind of a dumbass would do such a thing, anyway?), which turned out to be the wrong address, too, so now a totally innocent family is living in fear because some idiot jumped to his prejudices instead of his common sense.
Understand me, I am not advocating this case one way or another. And that's the point--neither should you or anyone else. Wait until all the evidence is in and the courts have made their decisions regarding the matter. Candle-lit vigils and camera time for any jackass with an inflammatory opinion are not what matters. If the media (or conveniently roused-to-ire mobs) decided the outcome of our legal issues we wouldn't be living in a democracy--it would be a monarchy and Jerry Springer would be the king.
It is unfortunate, but the Edward R. Murrow days of honesty and integrity are gone. News isn't reported anymore. It is sensationalized, and in some cases deliberately distorted, in order to earn networks more money. The people you see on TV reporting the news are not journalists, they are actors playing a role. Their job is to control the way you think. I find this behavior so offensive that I lack a vocabulary crude enough to give it the condemnation it deserves, but I can understand it. Some people will do anything to make a buck. But there is something even worse than that: participating in the carnival of stupid they offer.
Letting those jackasses win, allowing them to do your thinking for you, is unforgivable.
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