I fucking hate Rush Limbaugh. And Glenn Beck, too, that guy is a total asshole. Add Howard Stern and Imus to that list as well. I also think that TV and movie stars--or any other kind of entertainer for that matter--who try to use their celebrity to influence my thinking (about politics or whatever the current popular cause is in Hollywood) are complete fucking idiots.
Imus got fired from his job for saying something stupid. The Dixie Chicks had to suffer for some remarks they made. Rush Limbaugh is losing sponsors left and right because of his own stupidity. Jesse Ventura got punched in the mouth by Chris Kyle for spouting off. Google that one if y'all don't know the story. There are lots of other examples, but the point is, speech isn't as free as you think. Legally, you can say pretty much anything you want as long as you don't incite violence toward anyone. Hell, the First Amendment doesn't even say that, that's just how the legal beagles in our court system have worked it out over the years. But running your yap can sometimes cost you, as the aforementioned knuckleheads have come to find out.
Understand that I am not condoning or condemning the public backlash against anyone foolish enough to earn the whimsical wrath of the American people. Instead, I would like to offer a solution to the problem of oral diarrhea that seems to plague so many public figures:
Just don't listen to them.
You don't like what someone on TV has to say? Turn the channel. On the radio? Find another station. In a book? Then don't read it. You don't like porn? Then quit looking at it. Because these people have every right to spout whatever kind of crap they want. It's useless to start a whining contest about someone else's rhetoric. If you really want to make an impact on what kind of people work in the business of feeding you information, just exercise your right to not listen. Imagine if nobody tuned into CNN's 24-7 election coverage to watch Wolf Blitzer stand around twiddling his thumbs while no data comes in from poling stations and yet they try to make you think it's the most important thing in the world. They would have to stop being idiots because it would stop making them money. I've said it before and I will say it again: stupidity should be painful. You have an easy way to make it so for all of these talking heads:
Turn the damn channel already.
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