Ray Bradbury said that. He died yesterday. When I read the news I took a moment to try and decide which of his works I liked he best. I couldn't. "Fahrenheit 451" was great, and is probably his best-known work, aside from "The Martian Chronicles." I liked "Something Wicked this Way Comes," it scared and delighted me in equal measure as a child. I also loved "Dandelion Wine" and "The Illustrated Man," as well. And too many of his other works to name here. Mr. Bradbury also wrote for TV and the big screen, in addition to being a poet. The loss his death has wrought on the world of literature (and the science fiction genre in particular) as well as the entertainment industry cannot adequately be described with words.
However, if--by some chance--you have no clue as to who this man was, please turn off your damn computer right now and go read a book.
Preferably one of his.
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