Sunday, June 24, 2012

Just got back from sumer camp!

     The Aikido 2012 Gasshuku (that's Japanese for 'spend a week in the woods getting your butt kicked') was awesome.  Loved seeing Suenaka Sensei and everyone else.  Wont go into it now, but I will relate some of it in later posts (probably).  For now, just a few more of my rules (since it's late and I am tired and lazy).
     5. The older you get, the more dead people you know.  This rule has a corollary: you also get to skip an increasing number of tedious social functions (i.e. no, I don't want to come to your pet parakeet's bar mitzvah, your plushy party, your live action role playing event, or whatever--thanks anyway, though, and have a nice time).

     6. Start younger.  This rule applies to pretty much everything, but I was thinking about Aikido when ASM826 and I thought it up.  (Now go read his blog, "Random Acts of Patriotism."  AFTER you finish reading mine.)

     7. Whatever you have been putting off in your life that you really want to do, go and do.  Stop finding ways to rationalize not doing it.

     8. If you give the average person a set of choices to use in response to some stimuli, you can usually depend on them to take whichever course of action is the stupidest

     9. If you are on a date or trying to pick up a woman and you get into a fight, you are NOT getting the girl.  However, if you happen upon a woman who is into that kind of thing, run fast, and run far.

     10. No matter how magical you think your penis is, it cannot 'cure' a lesbian.  This is because there is nothing wrong with the lesbian: you are the one who is fucked up for thinking that crap in the first place.

     11. What count isn't what you know, it's what you can do.  (And yes, I know I didn't make that one up--these are the Rules I Lives By, not The Rules I Made Up.  I'll take good ones anywhere I can find 'em.)

     More later.  Y'all take care 'til then.


  1. Did that stepping away every time!

  2. Just re-read this again and realized what I want to say, "The heck with start younger, start today. Today is the only day you have."
