Friday, November 30, 2012

Not everything pisses me off.

     Apparently I have a temper.  And cuss.  And hit things--but..I mean...come on, why not?  If something already needs fixing, why not try giving it a whack or two to see if you can scare the device back into working order before you replace it?  Grrrr...getting off-topic--okay, I remember now: this post is to show that not everything pisses me off, as the little woman recently suggested.  To prove that, I will list a few things that do NOT piss me off.
      Here they are, in no particular order:
     1. Aikido.
     2. Jack Daniel's--black Jack, Gentleman, or Single Barrel--just not that crap with the green label.
     3. Bacon.
     4. My wolves (usually).
     5. The Darwin Awards--they tickle me pink.
     6. Dumb criminal news stories--I like those almost as much as the Darwin Awards.
     7. Guns--using them or feeling them up.
     8. Blowing things up.
     9. Sex.
     10. T-Shirt Hell.
     11. Ice long as it doesn't have any fruit or weird shit in it.
     12. Knives.
     13. Rock'n'Roll.
     14. AAA--their roadside service is dead sexy.
     15. Trade paperbacks of comic book regular titles--those are made of win.
     16. Farting--but only my own, and the more they stink the better.
     17. Other bodily functions--like the kind of dump that makes your pants feel like they fit looser after, pretty much any burp (but the bigger the better), and sneezing--but NOT hiccups, I fucking hate those.
     18. The Departed--not the movie, I just mean that most people stop pissing me off once they die.    

     I'd name some more stuff, but making lists pisses me off.

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