Thursday, November 15, 2012

There will not be another civil war.

     I'm sure everyone has heard about the twenty-odd states that want to secede from the union by now.  My first thought on this subject was, "Good, my country does not need you disloyal scum in the first place, just start heading North or South and you will hit one of our borders and you can be on your merry way."  Then I was approached by many friends and acquaintances about this matter.  They expressed their feelings to me in a wide variety of ways, ranging from fear of another civil war to plans for moving into the new and improved nation that would rise from the ashes of this one.  I was unable to fathom how so many people could take this notion seriously.  In my self-appointed role as Punisher of Stupid it shames me no small amount to have to confess that, for once, there is just too much stupid for me to effectively deal with.  For that reason, I feel it is necessary to do something so drastic that it perhaps borders on the dangerous: I am going to use common sense.
     1. It is not the states that want to withdraw from the union.  It is a collection of knuckleheads, racists, assorted nutjobs, whiners, and attention-seekers.
     2. It was started via an online petition, not by any figures in actual power (i.e. governors, congresspersons, or senators of those given states).
     3. Therefore this will never be put before a congressional vote.
     4. Therefore the White House will never give this any kind of serious consideration.
     5. Nor will the Supreme Court, a branch of our government that has actually already addressed this matter on several previous (post-Civil War) occasions and has decided that it is in violation of our Constitution and thus illegal.
     6. However, if it somehow did, I would be the first to re-enlist and help fight to keep my nation whole.  I would do this because--as a friend who was also in the Corps once reminded me--as former Marines, we once took an oath to uphold and defend our Constitution and nation against all enemies, both foreign and domestic...and we were never released from that oath.
     I hope that this has settled any fears my readers might have, and that you all can forgive me for having to resort to this inhuman and extreme measure,


  1. What you are saying is probably not much different that what the Loyalists were saying about the colonists that wanted to separate from England in 1773-1775.

    1. If the government was forcing me to quarter troops in my home, or did not allow me any representation in it or did away with voting or began mass conscripting people or pulled any of the other crap the Brits were pulling, then I would gladly join you in revolt or moving to another country. I see few parallels between now and then and none that require revolution or secession.
