Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Even more rules to live by.

     It's been awhile since I posted anything.  That's because I am lazy.  And forgetful.  And a world-champion procrastinator.  Honest--Guinness is going to put me in their book any time now.  Anyway, before I forget what I'm here for, here we go:
     13. All dogs bite.  Did a post on this already, so everyone can look back and see why.  If you have gotten bitten by a dog since reading this, you were warned.
     14. Courtesy is a coin that you can spend again and again.  Got this from both of my grandmothers (just worded a little differently each time) and it has proven true all my life.  It's easy to go from 'polite' to 'not polite' but near impossible to do the reverse.  If you doubt me, try to stop a fight by saying 'please'--right after you have punched someone.
     15. There are three ways you can trust a man: with your money, your wife, and your life.  I have it on good authority that this works the same way for women, except you have to add a fourth category for clothing, particularly shoes.

     I'll throw out some more later.  Y'all take care 'til then.