Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The new hate.

     I would have made a post over a week ago, but I have found a new level of stupidity and incompetence in the world to hate and that held me up.  The new hate is Sudddenlink Communications, who you can find at  http://www.suddenlink.com/.
     They recently announced restrictions on the amount of Internet their customers can use.  My hookup is 50mbps speed (every geek reading this just had to go change their pants) which falls into their 'over 20mbps' category, allowing for 350gb a month.  That's upload and download.  We watch Hulu and Netflix.  My brother and I are beta-testing "The Secret World" and "Diablo III" just dropped.  We have a roomate who is a World of Warcraft junky.  So I guess we might be hogging some bandwidth.  Of course, 350gb is only 20 or so movies, if I watch them in streaming high-def.  How many movies do you watch a month?  Or TV programs?  Because that's only about 13 hours of Hulu.
     When I originally got the plan it was because you can watch pretty much anything you could want between Netflix and Hulu, or on any of the major network's sites.  So all I wanted was internet, and therefore I bought their biggest plan.  Suddenlink promised me unlimited usage.  That didn't even last a year.
     Anyway, what this brain trust did to 'punish' us was partially cut our internet.  Specifically, they blocked some sites...YouTube, Google, and Facebook (and some other ones but these are the big ones).  They left some other things alone...like Yahoo and MySpace.  It took a two hour long phone call with their incredibly incompetent staff to find out that once they set this system in place, they had no idea how to turn it off.  It didn't have an 'off' button.
     Oh, and that we weren't the only people that they had done this to.
     The best part?  They had to start prorating our bill to account for their screw-up.  Even better, they charge you $10.00 for every 50gb you go over, but not until the third infraction.  So, in an effort to bully me out of zero dollars, these utter morons cost themselves about $17.00.  I wonder how many other customers of theirs they had to prorate.  It would be interesting to know just how much money this cost them.
     Now, I would have been fine had they just shot me a warning, or charged me ten bucks, and gone on their merry way.  But no, they had to screw with me, so I am screwing back.  It starts here.  It also includes emails (already sent those) and probably snail mails (ain't sent those yet) to Google and Facebook.  After all, they have billions of dollars and armies of lawyers.  I'm just one guy with a blog and an attitude problem.  I am also asking every person who reads this to call Suddenlink and complain about this policy, and the horrible static-filled crap they call music they make you listen to while on hold.  Please do this even if you aren't a customer, and direct them to this blog if you want.  (Really, please direct them here!)  There's a link on their website for phone numbers and another to contact them by email.
     And if you happen to one of those Suddenlink jerk-offs that were screwing with me and you are reading this now (and hopefully getting your ass sued off by Google and Facebook), then here's a big "fuck you."
     Because that would mean I just won.

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